Tuesday, October 19, 2010


According to Simms and Magid;  Like it or not, the net now is a  reality for the overwhelming majority of children and adults, not just in the developed world but for the rest too.  The biggest reason for them to said so:  Tyler Clementi's case;  The Rutgers University student who after discovering his romantic affair was uploaded to the internet page, decided to jump from the top of the George Washington Bridge into the Hudson River, ending this way his own life.

As we can see Internet encourage: "People to say and do things in Cyberspace that they wouldn't ordinarily say or do in the face-to-face world"; as Psychology Professor John Suler write on his online book: "The psychology of Cyberspace".  Taking this words as refference, I Could assure that this is the most important reason that keep all this kind of people attached to their computers, some of them  all day long because internet make them feel strong, and important, and also make them think, they can do whatever they want to do, because there are no rules, no limits and nobody cares about been mean, not even difamation or bullying.

It is so perturbing for me thinking about how endangered next generations have become after all of this technologic advances in this our modern world.

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