Saturday, November 6, 2010

BLOG # 12:" Response to Michael Pollan's advice on how to eat healthier"

After reading this interesting and educational article from Mr. Michael Polland's book: In defense of food.  I can totally agree with each one of the statements because, at my opinion all of the items are very objectives. Mr. Polland  explained each one of the recommendations in a very gracious way that makes me think every advice is very easy to follow, I can easily imagine my grand mother giving me very similar advices.
"Shop in the peripheries of the supermarket and stay out of the middle", Mr. Polland advice; I did never realize the real motive of organization in the supermarket and as he explained this point "Most supermarkets are laid out the same way:processed foods in the center, fresh food on the walls. If you keep to the edges of the store you will be more likely to end up with real food in your shoping cart", is definitively the most urgent but not the only for me to implement right away, I think that some times I got Captivated by the attractive photographies on the front of the box as(according to) the sellers is how the food will look when ready to eat, some times I don't even take the time to read the ingredients lists.  I have to admit  That so neglectful conduct!. Once again I found this article very interesting and educational because I do realize that there is nothing as good for health than organic food, chemicals free,color full and highly flavored food.
On the other hand unfortunately due to space and time factors  I can not follow all of the advices, for the fact that living in this city makes hard to neither  have enough space to plant a garden, nor to have enough time to some times eat at a table or even do it on time.  I really wish I could cook every day and eat very fresh and healthier food in an authentic Salvadoran style.

1 comment:

  1. Blog Series Evaluation 4: Great job, especially on the entry about Terry Cole's essay on racism and environmentalism. Keep writing like this! :-)
