Saturday, November 20, 2010

Blog # 16: The New Industrial Migrants

Part I:
In the first part of the article: Fast Food Nation, the author Erick Schlosser explains of  actual meatpacking and slaughterhouses industry's  turnover strategy that far from being a Liability,  in a high  rate in the meatpacking industry - as in the fast food industry - also helps maintain a workforce that is harder to unionize and much easier to control. This is one of the advantages the meat market industry owners are taking of , to primarily be employing young men and woman from Mexico, Central America and Southeast Asia people. Doing this way they don't have to provide benefits as health insurance, or even payed vacations to the workers.

Part II:

The Inmigration and Naturalization Service estimates that about one-quarter of all meatpacking workers in Iowa and Nebraska are illegal immigrants. Even so Big Companies as IBP or ConAgra Beef Company, insistently deny that they in any way seek to enploy illegal immigrants. Nevertheless To sustain the flow of new workers into IBP slaughterhouses, they had been recruiting as well as refugees and asylum-seekers from Laos and Bosnia, homeless people living in shelters in New York, New Jersey, California, North Carolina and Rhode Island.

Nowadays as we usually watch in newscasts, due to massive immigration the streets are plentiful of potential candidates for this kind of jobs, people in such as need, looking for jobs. These people will take almost any kind of job, even those with wretched salaries or those extremely dangerous; kind of  slaughterhouses or meatpacking companies offer to newcomers, to fearfully people that because of their desperation,should be arranged to take any job opportunity,what become very convinient for this kind of contractors.

I didn't ever realize before reading this article how pitiful is the situation poor  immigrant people are dealing with, because of  unscrupulous company policies; these companies don't even consider the well-being of their workers, they are just taking as much as they can from the workers, without any responsibility, there is no possibility of success guarantee, on the contrary  after a couple of months when  they got what they want ,they could be fairing people, throwing them away as disposable articles.

What a sad reality to find out  that  a lot of people come to this country with the hope to forge a better future for their families, on the contrary  life may become the most of the time due to ones excessive ambition a complete failure, and for some of them the end of  life. As I understand, ambition turns the self-seekers, in merciless, lier, cruel and immoral  beings, capable of make up the American dream stories which promises steady work, good salaries and even a place to live just to get to attract more and more workers to such as great job opportunities. What a big lie!  What a cruelty!!!!


  1. Evaluation of Blog Series 5:

    This is a rich and interesting set of blogs, even if it is missing one entry. You are right in your own assessment: you have learned much and are writing longer and better than at the beginning of the semester. I salute you for your hard work. :-)
